Pure chocolate. No bitterness. Elegant from start to finish. 8
Open Tasting comments: Will: Taste of raisins -- 5 Dianna: Cleaner, but still not sweet enough for me -- 5 Terri: Spicy and tart on the side of the tongue -- 8 Steve F: -- 5 Tiger Girl: Milkier -- 8
Tasting for this and the next two bars was done in October 2008 at my niece's Halloween party. Each taster was asked to rate the bar on the 1 to 10 scale, using their own calibrations.
Open Tasting Comments: Will: Bitter aftertaste -- 3 Dianna: Chalky and Bland. Makes me want Port wine. -- 3 Terri: Smooth. Sharp on large taste bugs. -- 7 Steve F: Aftertaste bitter -- 3 Tiger Girl: Slightly bitter -- 7
A powerful shot of chocolate on first taste, ringing with flavors, cherry the strongest voice. The ending is not smooth -- but it is also not a rough ride. No chalkiness, but echoes of bitterness that reminds you of what you just experienced. 8
Strong fruit flavor on first taste, though I would lean more to the cherry side than apple/pear. Even dark chocolate flavor from beginning to end. Aftertaste has some citrus aspects. 8
Rich chocolate flavor -- bordering on the milk chocolate side, but it backs off from it at the last minute. The cocoa percentage is not stated, but I'd guess it's on the low side for a Dark. Very tastable, and though I'm not a coffee drinker, I would think it would stand up to a Starbucks brew. 7