Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Recchiuti Fudge Brownies

While I'm on a Recchiuti kick, one last detour from this blog's theme. The other indulgence that I have at the Recchiuti store is their brownies. They are $2 each, so a little more affordable than the S'Mores Bites. They are excellent brownies -- rich chocolate and just the right amount of chewiness.

I visit their store in the Ferry Building, at the foot of Market Street in San Francisco, on the Embarcadero. I found myself visiting the Ferry Building a couple of years ago when they had their Thursday night market running until 8pm, since I couldn't make it there before then.

There's another chocolate store at the Ferry Building, Scharffen Berger. another local chocolatier. I tend to come back to Recchiuti more often, though, drawn by the S'Mores and the brownies. If you haven't visited the Ferry Building, there are many other interesting food stores and a few restaurants. Well worth a stroll next time you're in the City by the Bay.

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