Thursday, April 2, 2009

Schwarze Herren Edel Bitter 60% Cocoa

Sweet. Warm Tastes. 6

Open Tasting comments:
Will: -- 5
Dianna: Nuttier taste than the other two. -- 6
Terri: Some vanilla - yummy! -- 10
Steve: -- 8
Tiger Girl: 90% --8

That's the last of the three tastings from October 2008.

1 comment:

Steve said...

From the label:
Fein-herber Edelkakao macht Schwarze Herren Schokolade zu einem besonderen Erlebnis für den anspruchsvollen Genießer. Kakao: 60% mindestens

Okay, translated from German to English with Babelfish:
Fineharsh noble cocoa makes black Mr. Schokolade a special experience for the fastidious Genießer. Cocoa: 60% at least

Um, well, here's the translation from Google:
Fine bitter chocolate makes Black Men is a special experience for the discerning connoisseur.