Sunday, August 19, 2012

Fresco Chocolate

Rounding out the bars I picked up during my visit to Cocova in July are two bars by Fresco Chocolate. What caught my eye about them was information on the bar about how they were made. Both bars are from Madagascar, and they were made in December of last year. The label also shows the type of roast and conche of the beans. Roasting was "medium" for both bars, but the coaching was "medium" for bar 215 and "long" for bar 216.  This will allow me to see what the different conching levels make to the taste of the bars.

What is "roasting" and "conching"? Visit the Fresco Chocolate website for a lot of great information on the chocolate making process: Making Chocolate

After returning to San Francisco, I made a visit to my go-to store, Chocolate Covered, and found four more bars from Fresco. This will give me additional dimensions on which to compare and experience how these bars were made. I'm looking forward to it!

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