Thursday, May 23, 2013

Theo Organic Fair Trade 70% cocoa

This bar is quite similar to its "big brother," the Theo Organic Fair Trade 85% cocoa reviewed previously.  Much less bitter, with a more relaxed aftertaste, but shallow in flavors other than basic cocoa. Faint raisin and even fainter cherry notes can be nuanced from the bar as it melts. 6.6

I picked up this bar (along with Big Brother) at the Theo factory in Seattle during a trip in April. The store is in the attractive little brick building shown here, while the factory is located in an adjoining building. I did not have time to take the tour, but I browsed the store.

The store is very spacious, with product set out around the floor, and a counter with truffles available to one side.
Being in Seattle, perhaps it is not surprising that this bar has many indications of "goodness" on the label: Organic, Fair Trade, Non-GMO Verified. I do value when cacao farmers around the world are traded with in a fair way (meaning without fraud or coercion), though I am less convinced that "organic" has much value and not convinced at all that GMO (genetically modified organism) food is problematic.

I would also say that NOT labeling a product as "fair trade" does not indicate that those companies are trading unfairly with their producers.

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