Sunday, November 17, 2019

François Pralus Papouasie (Papua New Guinea) 75% cacao

On first taste this bar has a bitter front, but this develops into a roasted profile, with smoke and toast as the prominent notes. The flavor develops further into a butterscotch taste. The finish pulls these flavors together into a long tail off. 7.8

Price: 4.90 Euro

This is another bar purchased on my recent trip to Europe. It was purchased at the Pralus store in Paris, shown in this tweet. I have reviewed many Pralus bars on ChocoCheck, so I needed to look carefully for a bar I had not tasted. This bar was the only one I found that was new to ChocoCheck.

1 comment:

  1. From the label:
    "Persistent aroma, cocoa notes, fruity, light acidity on the finish."
